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Tag: Book Review

A Review of Mort by Sir Terry Pratchett

Prior to reading Mort, I’d never touched a novel by Sir Terry Pratchett. I only knew of his work through word-of-mouth. I had heard of this particular novel: many people recommended it as a starting point in Pratchett’s massive Discworld series, which contains 40+ novels. A starting point is important, when the series is structured a little bit like this. I was able to finish Mort in about 8 hours,…

A Review of “Snow Crash” by Neal Stephenson

In many ways, Neal Stephenson’s 1992 novel Snow Crash reads as though it’s describing the modern-day. It has business franchises spreading like viruses, mafia-controlled mega-corporations, boats of refugees lashed together and fighting to escape their homeland while the West tries to push them back into the ocean. The unrelenting presence of capitalism grips each page of the novel. Hiro delivers pizzas for the Mafia with the skill of a getaway…

A Review of “The Machine Stops” by E. M. Forster

I have only read one story by E. M. Forster, the author who also wrote the novel Passage to India. However, The Machine Stops has quickly cemented itself as one of my favourite stories. In fact, it was one of the pieces of fiction that inspired me to begin this blog. Forster’s writing is emotive, and in many ways disarmingly prophetic. He penned the story in 1928, and in it…

A Review of “Starfighters of Adumar” by Aaron Allston

A Prelude to Star Wars Fiction Throughout my lifetime I’ve perhaps read forty or fifty books based in George Lucas’s Star Wars universe. This literary canon spanned a few hundred years of fictional history (until it was jettisoned by Disney executives), with several long-running series planned out by some seminal authors. Of these, it was the X-Wing series that I most adored. Let me pitch them to you: these books…